Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Me at Speech Contesh 2011

Hello everyone ....
Gue mau posting tentang pengalaman gue ikut lomba pidato dalam rangka English Competion 2011. Lomba dilaksanakan 23 January 2011. Gue terpilih buat ngewakilin SMP Negeri 179, Waw seneng banget pastinya!
Speech gue ngangkat tema tentang "knowledge is power but character is more" Tau kan apa artinya ?
Artinya, kita tau bahwa ilmu pengetahuan itu penting, tapi ternyata ada hal yang lebih penting lagi, yaitu, karakter diri kita. Kalo kita cerdas tapi ngga punya karakter/akhlak yang baik buat apa ? Yang ada kita bakal jadi orang yang sombong dan memanfaatkan ilmu kita di hal yang negatif. Lebih baik kita coba nyeimbangin keduanya, cerdas "ya", karakter "ya".

Ini dia teks speech gue :

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.
Good morning all.

Dear the judges, the committee, and audience. First of all, let us praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for all that has been given. Now, please listen to me and give me a chance to extand something about “knowledge is power but character is more”.

Friends, is knowledge really important ? yeah, as we know knowledge is very important for any aspects in life. For example, with our knowledge we can know, why the blood group O can be the universal donor, we can know how to treat a diseases, and we can also know how the world has developed now. That means, knowledge is the key of success. But, is a knowledge just the only one key to get it ? Before I answer my question, I want to talk about one of figure in corruption case lately Do you know who is he ? let say his name as Mr. G. Mr. G was born in Jakarta. He’s from a simple family, even we can actually say that he’s poor. He was taught his study in Kampung Baru Elementary School. And he continued his study in Strada Junior High School, and then in 13 Senior High School Jakarta. Since Elementary school until Senior High School, he got a lot of academic achivement, such as he got a first ranking in his class and always get the highest score. Not only until then, he still continued his study in STAN. Even before he goes to STAN, he also was  accepted in UI and Telkom. But finally, he choose STAN to continued his study. It shows that Mr. G has a high knowledge. With his knowledge, he works at tax office and now he has been corrupted the tax money. From his corruption, he made himself become a billionaire men. His knowledge brought himself into the success. But, I think it isn’t an immortal success. Because an immortal success is a success with good moral. Even though, he hasn’t it all. He just got success for a little moment. We know that it is the punishment which he got.

From my story, of course, my question has been answered. That, we know the key of success is not only knowledge, but actually the most important key is a good moral. So I suggest you to priority moral than knowledge. Because, knowledge without good moral is nothing and will be dissapear. Let’s make ourselves far away from bad behavior, such as negative thinking. Last, let’s make Indonesia become the best country with high knowledge and good moral. I think it’s enough. I’m sorry if I made mistakes, and I hope my speech can inspire you. Remember, knowledge is power but character is more. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

Dan kalo mau tau tampilan gue gimana, monggo diliat video ini :
Alhamdulillah, loba kali ini gue dapet juara 2 untuk tingkat kecamatan pasar rebo. Thank you buat, Keluarga, Bu Salbiyah, Bu Suwarsih, Bu Ningsih yang udah bantu bikin pidato ini, buat yexti temen gue di Swedia, buat Theresia Claudia, buat delakrus, dan semuanya yang udah dukung.

Thank You :-)

By : Bunga Mentari

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